


Finally, I can tell you more about the little rhino :) He got named today and the pattern got published. So give Rupert a warm welcome :). I was one of the lucky people who were allowed to test the pattern. And I can imagine that all you…

I think it’s about time that I get going on some baking again. I’ve been seriously busy with lots of stuff in January, which means that I haven’t baked anything as I just couldn’t get my head around it, and I didn’t really felt like it. For anyone…

Seems like I’m getting more and more busy crocheting things for charity. Which is actually quite good as it helps to reduce my yarn stash and also helps people at the same time :) This is now actually another project I wanted to talk about for ages but…

I’m sooooo excited! And finally I’m allowed to tell you what I’ve been up to :):):):) Tadaa the BIG reveal is here :) I’m going to be part of the 2014 creative team of Craftaholics Anonymous! Still can’t believe it! It’s such a massive honour! Especially as I…