Oh is there another crochet-along happening you might think? Yes, there is, but this one will be truly special and you shouldn’t miss out. When you have been crocheting for a while you might have heard of Sophie’s Universe. If you haven’t you have missed out on a great piece in crochet history. I highly recommend reading up on it! Sophie was truly special and to date the only crochet-along I actually finished! I really enjoyed being pushed out of my comfort zone and crochet a style I wouldn’t normally crochet. And in case you haven’t come across it yet I designed my Garden of Roses Square in honour of the rose stitches I got first introduced through Sophie :)

I can’t believe that it’s been now over 6 years ago since this CAL happened. Where has the time gone?! Sometimes I can’t believe it. My finished Sophie now lives happily with my mum back in Germany. So when Dedri announced that she is doing another CAL I was all ears :) Over the last couple of years, I focused on designing patterns in my not really existing spare time. So when I choose to follow someone else’s pattern it has to be truly special. And I know that Dedri put so much thought and love into her patterns that it will be a pure pleasure to follow.
So here is to another CAL, pushing my boundaries again.
The first boundary to push was my yarn choice. I didn’t stick to the yarn choice of Sophie so why would I stick this time to it ;) As it’s going to be another special piece I wanted a special yarn for it. I settled on Stylecraft Natural Cotton and Bamboo which I managed to buy during a LoveCrafts Sale. 30% off means more yarn for my budget :) It’s a really nice yarn to work with. Will write more about the yarn when I get around to it.
The second boundary to push was my colour theme. I was naturally drawn again to a beige/green/violet theme until hubby pointed out that this would have been exactly the same as my Sophie’s theme… So while this would have been beautiful I wanted something different. And my final colour scheme is different. In fact, it is very different from the type of colours I would usually use:

My Charlotte will feature an earthy colour scheme. Something calm, while still with a little bit of contrast to add highlights along the way. Can’t wait to see how it is going to turn out.

If you want to follow along with me on the journey you can find the pattern to Charlotte over on Dedri’s Blog here. A new part will be released every Sunday but all the sneak peeks I’ve seen of the finished pattern look truly magnificent. Can’t wait :)
Like I did for Sophie’s Universe I will also be trying to show you my colour selection by round in case you want to follow along :)
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Happy Crocheting!