


I’m sooo excited to finally share another rattle pattern with you. Once again this pattern is a collaboration of Dedri Uys from LookatwhatImade and my little self. And I’m still feeling very privileged to work with her. So after Grace and Edward, please welcome Napolion to our little…

Looking through my pictures I realised that there are a couple of projects which I haven’t actually talked about on the blog. But luckily it fits now in my series of insights into my bookshelf. This cardigan was actually the reason for me to buy the book “Crochet…

Who doesn’t love to stroll through the craft book section in a book shop. All those digital patterns aside I really love books and when I stumble across a book which I like it’s usually pretty difficult to say no to it. The problem is that usually I…

I finally made it! Ticked another project from my WIP list! It’s been on there for WAYYYYY too long. Must have been over 6 months ago when I told Dedri, that I’m making one of her puzzle balls… And no they’re not that difficult to make I just…